Career is undoubtedly one of the crucial aspects of our lives. Unfortunately, only a few can shape it as they desire. A career development plan by a career coach can be immensely helpful. However, how do you know it’s the right time to hire a career coach who can formulate a career development plan for you? This blog discusses five crucial signs that you need to have a career development plan. 

You feel stuck in your current job role.  

One of the common signs that most feel at one point in their career is feeling stuck in their current job role. A career development plan devised by a career coach can bring you clarity on the position that you are in and where you need new direction.  

A career development plan can help you identify areas where you can grow in your current role or how you can switch to your desired career path. Without a definite plan, it’s easy to get lost or remain stagnant in advancement. 

You’re ready to take on new challenges. 

When you’re starting your career or have switched to a new role, you must be on a stage where you enjoy your accomplishments. If you’re feeling stuck in the beginning stages of your career, are feeling it to be on autopilot or have depleted in initial passion, it’s best to raise your level up.  

With the help of a career development plan by a career coach, you can convey the passion and fervour for growth. They can recommend fresh skills and make marketable strategies to proactively position yourself in vertical career moves. 

You’re not satisfied with your current pay raise. 

You like the organization and the work you do. However, you still feel unsatisfied with the current paycheck you are getting and typically fail to negotiate the pay rise you want. Taking help from a career development institute and making a strategic career plan can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and thus work accordingly to get the pay rise you always desired. 

By proactively improving your skill set, you can improve your position in the current company and gain new opportunities. 

You do not have long-term career goals.  

Another sign that you need a career development program by an expert career coach is if you fail to make a long-term career goal or clear your vision of your career. If you do not have specific objectives, you might drift from job to job, and for a long time, you will be unable to understand the right opportunities to grab and how they can align with your career aspirations. 

A career development plan can guide you to form long-term career goals and help you understand where you want to be in upcoming years, whether it’s a leadership position, starting your own business, or completely shifting to a new industry. With a career development plan, you can sense a purpose and direction, helping you make intentional career decisions. 

You’re unable to identify strengths, weaknesses, and skill gaps.  

To truly unlock your career potential, you need to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and skill gaps. Unfortunately, the majority of job search candidates are unable to identify these three things, particularly skill gaps. With a career development plan, you can identify these three crucial things at the right times and fill potential skill gaps that hinder your career. 

Career Development Courses include career development plans which help you to be more dedicated and motivated to achieve your goals. Once you have a thorough career development plan you’re satisfied with; you’ll be more inspired to push yourself professionally to achieve your goals. 


A career development plan can be immensely helpful to overcome stagnation in your career. If you are feeling stuck or confused, have a lack of direction, do not have set long-term career goals, and want to feel overall motivated, hiring a career coach to make a career development plan can boost your career and help you achieve your professional aspirations.  

Esther Murray is a certified life and career coach and also the No. 1 best-selling author. She successfully empowers women in corporate environments to discover new paths and focus on the overall development and growth of an individual. Get a personalized career plan now and align your career according to your true desires.